Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Will you...

Here is a quick message from my Grandma Beadle: 
in Sacrament meeting we heard a mission report from an Elder who served in Eastern Europe. The mission was tough... because the people (though kind and friendly) didn't believe in religion any more. During the 2 years he was there only 6 people that he taught were baptized.

In one town 4 missionaries lived in the same apartment.  Since their apartment also served as their chapel on Sundays, he learned that "Sacrament meeting can be found in a small box" - for that was where they kept a sacrament tray and cups - a song book and a lesson manual.  Though the location was humble the Spirit was always strong.

He learned that the most important two words for a missionary were:

"Will you....."

Will you meet with us at church this Sunday?
Will you take this book and read it?
Will you pray about this?

"Will you" is an open invitation that touches the hearts of those who are sincerely seeking truth.

His talk sure made us think of you, and the things you're learning in the mission field.

yeah it is actually cold here i am wearing a beanie and my fingers can't type too quickly.. it isn't that bad it is nice but what a shock to find that africa actually gets cold.

here is a joke... what do you get when you mix gadianton robbers and nephite cows?... the answer is in 3 ne 2: 13  haha i came up with it on my own. it is lame but oh well..

So many people got baptized on the same day that we ran out of white clothes:

This is a creepy picture of Winnie the Pooh:
My companion and I with one of the ward missionaries:

Lake Chivero:
I was seriously tempted to go boating:
We had a wedding. I actually set up a wedding. Can you believe it? Call me the Wedding Planner.
They lay these blankets down and everyone cheers and shouts and sings in Shona while the bride walks to her seat.

Monday, June 17, 2013

Dear Family,
My mission is moving forward, i am already 3 months out! I cannot believe how time flies.
Africa, is still a completely new world and i am still seeing new and exciting things each and everyday . The people here are very religious, i thing everyone here in Zimbabwe goes to some kind of a church.
Right now i am in an area called Chitungwiza. It is suburban... imagine Bountiful, Utah but more dusty and fewer cars with chickens and dogs wandering the streets and street-side vendors that sell cheap corn snacks called jiggies, and little kids yelling "how are you!!" all the time. 

So nothing like bountiful actually but still ... it is home... for now, and it is full of people ready to come to the fullness of the gospel, but i just have to go find them. that's the challenge.
Transfers are coming soon and i am excited to find out if i stay here in Chitungwiza or get moved to a more rural part of zim.
here are some of the events happening right now in Zimbabwe..
-Elections are coming soon. the pres. who has been in office for 33 years is hoping for another term of ... who knows how long.. and i hear rumors that the peaceful zim doesn't stay peaceful when voting season comes around.:O
-A Prophet surnamed Makendiwa came to visit his church building (which is massive) in chitown (Chitungwiza). thousands of people flocked to see miracles performed. healing of the blind, people made taller, loss of body fat in seconds and babies created and birthed within 3 days. I will leave it up to you to pray and ask God if he is the true prophet..but the crowd of thousands who do believe wouldn't shut their mouths all night. just screaming and crying for 4 nights in a row.. 

you cannot imagine the amount of money, cars, and houses the people pledge to him(click here to see an article I found on this guy).
-And The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is moving forward.

We now have 5 stakes in all of Zimbabwe. Unfortunately one of our bishops was hit by a motorcycle and killed. But thank goodness for a knowledge of the plan of salvation. Fortunately, his family is sealed together forever and i think they will make it alright. 
Well Family, these few months have proved to be a challenge and also a pleasure. No matter how many hardships i have had or challenges i have though out this mission, i know i can draw on the strength of those who have gone before. And I have learned more than ever before, ATTITUDE points the way. I miss you, I love you and i thank you for your thoughts and prayers.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sorry this post is so long. Skip it and look at the pictures if you don't have time for all our family news. 

9 June 2013 Wade is wondering what the pass code is to your iPod. He's pretty sure that you are unconcerned about worldly stuff and you won't mind. :) if you don't want him to use it, say something now. Love Mom

10 June 2013 tell wade to leave it alone. i don't even remember the code anyway. haha

Dear Will,
Oh, ha ha. Did I send the picture of Wade with the cops? He locked his keys in the Subaru. We can't find the spare. 2 cops had to come and get him out. Then their tool got stuck and he had to take the door apart. :-(

And now Wade wants to know if he can also use your iPod.
I am working on getting you some music. I will figure it out. Do you want primary songs? It is our 13th anniversary today (Sunday). Crazy. I sent off another package (#4). It has more medication in it. I didn't send the blue yarrow. I didn't want to send that in the same package as the imiprimine. I'll send that next week.

SUMMER VACATION!! Our calendar is filled up every week. It is either Summer School for Wade or art class for Megan or family camp or BYU education week or Youth Conference or Girls' Camp or I think we are going to try to go up and see Monica this year for a road trip. Gramma and Grampa might come with us so we can afford to rent a little cabin on the Oregon Coast. The thing that is good about Summer Vacation is that I don't have to be as strict about schedules. The thing that is bad about Summer Vacation is that no one thinks there is a schedule and I never get to sleep.

Our Youth Conference is going to be amazing. We are going shooting up at the lion's club and we will do a service project there. We will then head to MarDiene's cabin in the hills. We will camp there and have devotionals and yummy food. Friday we will go to Rockport for Boating and JetSkis. Then more spiritual stuff and games and a movie. Saturday we will hike part of the Mormon trail and have pioneer stories about standing firm. Then we will go home, shower and come back to the church in dress clothes. We will go to the JSMB and see the film and have dinner and a fireside in a private room at the Roof Restaurant, courtesy of our contact in the department of Temporal Affairs downtown... well, and the ward budget for youth conference, which is bigger than any other item in the ward budget.

Wade leaves to wrestling camp tomorrow. If he gets the dishes done. And if he can find his mouth guard. And if he figures out how to get there. One of the dads has been hyper-diligent in arranging carpool but we just realized today that the carpool leaves at 1:00 and Wade is supposed to teach in Priests' Quorum at 3. So now there is this guy flying up there at 3:30 and Wade didn't bother calling him until 10:00 P.M. on Saturday night so we'll see how that works out. Don'tcha wish you were here?  yeah. I get to drive to Afton, WY next Saturday to get them. He ended up flying there after Priests' Quorum with the Dad of one of the other wrestlers. How awesome is that?

Megan says "tell him that I said, 'hi' and that I love him."

Ebenezer passed away this last week. Carol is doing ok, she says. They buried him in James' backyard. several nights ago, I was reading a scripture and I was touched by it: 3 Nephi 22:7-11, so I circled it on my bookmark. Then i was trying to figure out why I had it circled, went back and read it and thought of Carol. That was probably about the time that Eb passed. Anyway, v. 11 made me think of her because even though Sapphire is my birthstone, it is Carol's color and reminds me of her, but it is interesting about the comfort part, too. I mentioned it to her, but I don't know if it will mean anything to her.

Love you. Hope all is well. Keep the faith, Elder.
Love, Mom

10 June 2013 haha that is awesome.. yeah that about covers it all the only problem i really have in my house is people who need to chew with mouth closed. and stop laughing so loud and not saying please! agh i am really struggling.. i've been praying for you and the family so i hope things are getting better.
love elder beadle

 i love the pictures haha. they are awesome. I was able to send some pictures but the 4 second video that i took of Lyndee. I don't know why I can't see it. It should be right here. 
 i am so happy for landon!! that is so cool. i have been thinking about him all week!
agh.. summer vacation something that i wont ever get to look forward to again. i love summer trips., i was thinking that when i get back we are going to disneyland and then i am going to take some computer courses and then go live in hawaii for a couple of months and do all this stuff.. haha i don't really know how much stuff i can do. my life seems like it is going to fly by!! i miss all the family planning. it seems that this might be the busiest summer of the lefevrebeadles yet. i kinda do wish i was there!!! hahaha. yeah
why did you have to drive up to WY? i am lost... about someone flying up where? wade needs to get things in order.. i don't know if its possible.. i love him though. i am glad that he is so busy but i was thinking that he needs to set aside a day to work with the missionaries or something that would be powerful. maybe not this summer.. but yeah he needs to get working and making some money or something..
i pray for carol thanks for letting me know about evil ebster. that was a powerful dog..

i am glad that i was able to read about the life that is happening. i love to be involved!

send me some oreos those make me feel good about myself.. haha.. but really
i don't know what you sent but i couldn't get it. my computer is in an internet cafe and the sound is cut.
Love Elder Beadle

Dear Will,
Lyndee told me this morning, "I ate all of William's can-ee." I guess she found the stash of Starbursts I was going to send. I'm going to try to attach a video of her.

Mom: Do you want to tell William anything else?
Lyndee: (nods)
Mom: What do you want to tell him?
Lyndee: (thinking)
Mom: Do you want to tell him you are going camping? or that it is summer?
Lyndee: a GREAT BIG HUG!

Lyndee!!!!! AH, she makes me laugh and cry i love her so much she is going to be soo different.. i think she is almost super human with her growth and learning.. from what i hear she is just growing more and more each week with intelligence. tell her that i would really love a hug right now. this mission is hard, not because of teaching but because of living and working with others. agh it is a struggle. but she makes me so happy. i love you lyndee!

can you get camploll cd copied for me and send it. or upload the mp3s to my dropbox. and i can get them please :) why can't i pull this together? Altoids are good. He is the most spoiled Elder, I am sure. I just send my 4th package. And I know at least one other person sent a package.
my dropbox might have some stuff on it. oreos or something... :) i love you .. you should really read Our Search for Happiness by M. russell ballard.. so good.
maybe dave and brenda mailing address. i don' tknow if i have it.
um yep i miss you all.

this is a wonderful time to be part of the gospel.

Hi Elder Beadle,

It was great to hear from you. Ok so as far as Primary goes. Everything can be found in red handbook of instructions or online at Do you have access to these resources?

The phrase you asked about in 1 kings" Pisseth against the wall, the answer comes from institute student manual and  i quote," The Hebrew idiom originally meant " every male" The phrase is only met within passages which speak of the destruction of a family or household to the very last man. The same idea occurs in modern revelation without the offensive expression in D&C 121:15 which reads," And not many years hence, that they and their aposterity shall be bswept from under heaven, saith God, that not one of them is left to stand by the wall. Does that make sense? I hope it clarifies a little.

So will you be leaving the country? Why did the missionaries leave. Does Zim not want any americans their? That’s weird. Hope all is well with you. Tell us more of your experiences and life in Africa. Is it even cold? Do you even need that jacket that we bought you? it seems too heavy for you to wear.

This past week was busy for our family. Last day of School was Friday. Landons birthday on Thursday and he graduated from kindergarten. I met an African Family. They are from Sierra Leone on the western coast. Its amazing how many africans i run into now that you are in Africa. Lovely People they are. Hope you  are taking lots of pictures and writing in your journal.
Tuesday we went to the zoo. Remember Kindergarten Zoo I couldnt help but think of you when we saw the elephants, giraffes, tigers and monkeys. Landon liked to look at the map to see if the animal lived in Africa. Then we saw the bird show. Loved it. Anyway.....yesterday was our 13th wedding anniversary. Wow it seems like yesterday. The experiences you have with your companion is like marriage in a way. You have to learn to love and serve them.

What a blessing you are to our family. I am so proud of you. Thank you for who you are and who you represent. I feel guilty for not living up to the divine potential i have within myself. It is a daily struggle. But knowing that you are serving full time and teaching about jesus christ gives me hope and a desire to do better, love better and serve better.

Last week i finished the book of mormon again. I am going to start and reread it. I started with the old testament. I actually enjoy that book. It is long though and not as easy to understand as the book of mormon.


DAD! yeah thanks for the explanation of the old testament..

yeah so right now there are some issues with visas and the missionaries that left came from the provo mtc and had problems originally. but now we have had more leave from our mission and now have been reassigned.. i don't think it is even an american thing. weve lost kenyans southafricans so yeah it is weird.. i think i will be fine though.. the government seems to like me or God hasn't accomplished His purpose here with me yet.

Yeah zimbabwe is cold in the morning.. like camping morning cold. and the day is super hot.. that coat that we bought. is good but i would have to carry it everywhere with me and that would be so annoying. so i don't use it. but i have bought a sweater here.

that is awesome that u met with that family.. yeah these people are pretty good people. we had a harare stake conference this past sunday the theme was proverbs 22:3 or something.. about raising children in the gospel.. it was powerful but also a little ahead of my time.. i was a little board. with it.. but we met all the members in harare there were about 300 that came so that was interesting. we met all the white members in harare and it felt strange to see them here. most are from south africa. we met a lady whose husband went to the U of U and the missionary who baptized her family was from Bountiful!! .. i forgot the name though. and yes i am writing in my journal everyday.. people here don't recognize how important that is... I am completely different from every missionary here.. it seems the missionaries from Utah just have a better idea of what missionary work is.. a lot of the Africans are really lazy ... they break rules. even my comp and it is really hard. it is sad and a challenge. i know i am here to change something but right now i don't really feel empowered to do so.

anyway.. i was thinking of Landon all week and wondering what he got for his birthday. He is going to be a powerful man one day. he is already growing so fast. i love that little man so much.. I am proud of him.

yes this mission is inspiring and definitely a challenge. I can testify of the gospel but it is all the side work that is really hard for me to do. i have to live up to my trainers standard (which is high for how low he is) and i have to get the ward to like me and communication is just difficult. i know i shouldn't complain about my comp. but i have been depressed this whole week.. it really helps when people say please and thank you.

the book of mormon is so powerful.. right now i am in the war chapters of alma and it is good. i am also listening to some talks that have some deep doctrine. have you heard the witchcraft talk ? i don't know who gives it but it is definitely something everyone needs to hear. especially teenagers. i tried to send it but i think it is too big... i will try to send it over dropbox... \ 12wbeadle1993  that is the code you use to log on to dropbox and access the talks if i can get them on..

the scriptures are wonderful .. thanks for emailing keep on sending thoughts and thinks that you have i love them..

love Elder beadle

Elder Beadle,

So we just got back from fireside with President McMillan. He talked about the church in the middle east. It was awesome. The opening song, I thought of you participating in this great work spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. Hark All ye nations, it reads,"
Chosen by God to serve him below,
To ev'ry land and people we'll go,
Standing for truth with fervent accord,
Teaching his holy word.

We had a priesthood leadership meeting this morning and one of the things they talked about was all callings come from God. It is our Job to Learn our duty and ACT.
I know you don't have time to write but let me know how the work is going, your investigators, are you in the same area or a new area. Send pictures of your companion.
We went to a Mediterranean restaurant for anniversary it was good food. Best chicken i've had in years.

I hope you have a great week. Transfers are coming up do you think you will stay. You may have to buy Landon a zebra skin again, havent seen it.......yet

Praying and thinking of you always

Love, Dad

to Dad:
I love pres. mcmillan he is a powerful teacher and friend. i wish i spent more time getting to know that family. and the same with all my grandparents. anyhow.. yeah i will try to get landon zebra skin again.. agh.. that is a bother. I think i am staying but at the same time i could move anywhere.. i really want to train to pass on my thoughts and attitudes. maybe.. idk.
thanks for the thoughts and prayers. i love you
love elder beadle

We usually end up writing to him several times on Sunday and during the week because we think of things we forgot to say. I love email.
What Stake are you in and what is your wards name?
I have someone who lives in Harare and they wanted to know your name
so...let me know and Ill see if you are close to them maybe i can send something home with them
for you.


to Dad
Chitungwiza ward. In Harare stake. yeah i think that is it.

 I'm not sure who these pictures are of, nor why he sent another picture of his toilet unless that is a flame and not sunshine sitting on the back. I certainly hope not. :)

I love hearing what the kids say to Elder Beadle and what he says back. 
2 June 2013
Dear William, 

This is the last week of school. On Tuesday we're going to the zoo. And then on my birthday I graduate from kindergarten. We are going to 7 Peaks for my birthday and we are having chocolate cakes that are shaped like Gracie and Rosie. Justin and Maya in my class at church are moving.

Love, Landon

dear landon,
seven peaks!!! i remember that place. cakes shaped like rosie and gracie? make sure you actually eat the cake and not the dogs haha.

have a great birthday landon. i hope you have lots of fun at seven peaks and the zoo. you are going to be a big man when i come back.
love elder beadle

Dear William,  We are going swimming on Tuesday at the Rec (for school). We are having a luau on Thursday and I get to go because I made my AR goal every term this year. We get to have fun at school this week. We are going to sign yearbooks. I am not going to miss school at all but I miss you. I wanted to have Mrs. Stringfellow next year but apparently she is retiring (Mom says transferring to Spectrum). We are going to send you some other stuff, like Hi-Chews. Mom has a box but she never sends it because she is slow (iGGy says: and forgetful). I want to spend more time with you. Mom is sending me to Africa in a box. ha ha ha. Dad and Mom are giving us clues to tell us where we are going on our Family Vacation this summer. We haven't figured it out yet. But it is about 1000 miles and one clue is Return of the Jedi. We are driving in a car (not flying). I will have to go to the bathroom a lot. ha ha ha. I went to the dentist and we had Dexter and Dorian last week.

Karlee: so you are on vacation now? wow that is fun. return of the jedi? have you figured it out yet? that is awesome that you passed your AR goal. keep on doing good in school. i miss school. one day you will miss it too. i miss you i wish we spent more time together before i left. you have so much fun okay? keep on writing me and tell mom to send that package! :) love you!
Dear William,  Is it really winter in Africa right now? When does winter end? this is the last week of school. I am more awesome so Mom is sending me in a box and not Karlee, obviously. Who is your new companion? Do you have a picture of him? I only have 14 more things to pass off before I get my faith in God award. I miss you. I finally saw Star Wars episodes IV and V. Now I am a cultured child.
Love iGGy

IGGY: you finally saw starwars!!!! yes now we can talk on the same level. LUKE I AM YOUR FATHER!!!!!! hahaha just kidding . you keep on working hard in school and i want both of you in the box that mom sends haha. but i don't have money to take care of you here. so you'd have to work for your money ahaha maybe set up a lemonade stand with karlee i heard she makes good juice.
keep writing! love you.
... I don't like the kids wandering the neighborhood, especially at night. I didn't even like it when you were young and it was the McMillans and the Barnecks. I guess I am a mean mom, but when the kids come knocking at 8:30 on a school night, even on the last week of school, I say no. Summer is going to drive me crazy! 
Love, Mom

MOM: you are the mean mom... i think you need to embrace it. hahaha that is good tho.. someone needs to be on the watch.. night games are sketchy.. here in zim you are home at 8 or 9. any later and you get caned.. whipped.. beaten.. yeah and yelled at.. we see children get beaten on the side of the road constantly and i can see how their translation of the bible accepts that. it is sad. i want to run up and shove them over but it is part of the culture. haha.. some of the stuff that i get to run into is funny. we met a Methodist who told us about their leader who met Jesus in an underwater cave and Jesus told him to start a Methodist church.. yeah people are a little lost.

yeah i miss my family.. so how is Greg doing? I left him with a broken ankle. How are the Johnsons? they are so faithful. God loves them for sure.

tell Wade that girls are trouble. imagine how much they will respect you if you keep a little distance and especially after mission when you are all manly and stuff the girls will want to marry u and quick. be smart make sure you find someone who is far ahead of you so that you have to catch up when you come back from mission. and she can pay for you to get through college. and no kissing seriously... Wade you silly boy. anyway

i will send Marilee a thank you letter but you tell her that i love her more than anything. she is amazing.
love elder Beadle.. btw are you sending more photo copies of family history? i love those. i hope grandma b is still working hard on our family stories and our forefathers stories like William the conqueror!! you tell them i love them .. everyone and if anyone asks how i am tell them i am doing better than okay and tell them i miss them and thanks for asking..
i will try to write a general family letter soon. maybe a ward letter as well but idk if the bishop likes those. :|s

Will asked how a ward runs. I'm not sure if they are asking his help or if he is just frustrated that it is not run like he thinks it should be.

2 June 2013
Elder Beadle,

How are you. I hope you had a good week and I hope you have a great day today. It always makes mondays bearable when I get to hear from you first thing in the morning. My current calling is in the Stake High Council. My assignment is to work with all of our wards and help them get missionary work started in the individual wards. I have a correlation meeting each Sunday at 7:30am. I have spotty attendance and the premise of the meeting has always been to hear who the missionaries are teaching and then see how we can help the missionaries. Recently as of this month the missionaries focus is on the individual wards and how they can help us. It is really important for the wards to already be organized and working on their own. As far as the ward functions, if you have a red handbook dated 2010 that is the most recent handbook and explains everything. The bishopric has a gray and red book. Are you in a branch presidency? or just trying to help the ward?
So how is the work going? it is hard work but very rewarding and you will miss it when you are not doing it full time. Keep working the lord will bless you. Tonight we went to a youth fireside for our youth. The speaker was Tyler Haws from the BYU Basketball team. It was a great fireside and he said some things that may help you so here are my notes:
Be on the Savior's Team. "Suit Up" for Jesus Christ and serve him full time. I love the Suit up part so remember that when you are getting ready each day.
1. Be your best self. Be yourself
2. Don't get stuck going thru the motions
3. There is opposition: The best defense is a good offense. Be anxiously engaged in something good
4.Pure love of Christ never fails: Look for opportunities to help and serve. Find the one and make a difference in their life
5. develop relationships with companion ( i added that :) )with god and Jesus Christ and with the scriptures
6. D&C 121:45 to be on the saviors team one must be virtuous.

Well those are my notes hope something helped., inspired, lifted.

So.....have you eaten any more caterpillars? is your comp from africa? how is the work?
 this week is the last day of school on friday. landon turns 6 on Thursday( maybe his zebra skin will show up) he also graduates from kindergarten Thursday. on Tuesday he goes to the zoo. Megan had her 5th grade program and she represented the state of new york. The famous person she did was Lucille ball. She was perfect. The songs were all about America. Landon said that when he watched the assembly he cried during one of the songs. Even a 6 year old can recognize truth. The spirit bore witness to him of what they were singing. Love that Boy.
I hope all is well. Do you need anything? I love you and pray for you and think of you daily. A lot of people ask how you are doing. Thank you for serving. It blesses our family both collectively and individually.

Love you, God Bless

 From: William Beadle <>
 Date: June 3, 2013, 3:09:44 AM MDT
 To: Michael Le Fevre <>
 Subject: Re: Greetings From America

 hey Dad!! it is so good to hear from you. Thanks for the info. I love that kid. America is a great place, for sure...

 here are some names of people here...
 nkosilathi (gos latt ee)

fun huh??

 thanks for emailing. i love you and thank you for the thoughts and prayers.
 love Elder Beadle

Sorry if it seems a little scattered. I cut out a lot of stuff. I try to leave only the stuff that would be interesting to everyone.